
designとWebComponentsに関するefclのブックマーク (2)

  • The Design System Ecosystem

    What does a mature, end-to-end design system look like in a big, complex organization? What are all the moving pieces, and how do they hang together as a well-considered architecture? What’s required and what’s optional? Hold onto your butts, because we’re going to go deep on this one. Let’s start here: a design system’s relationship to digital products can be boiled down like so: There’s a design

    The Design System Ecosystem
    efcl 2023/09/30
    デザインシステム <-> プロダクトを取り巻くエコシステムについて。 レシピコンポーネントレイヤー、レシピライブラリ、スマートコンポーネントレイヤー。
  • Introducing the Polymer Designer tool

    Live site: http://polymer-project.org/tools/designer/ Source: http://github.com/polymerlabs/designer We're really excited to show off our new Designer tool, which makes building prototypes with Polymer super easy. In this video I'll walk you through the basics of creating a simple maps app, and along the way we'll touch on some of the interesting features that Designer brings to the table. Keep i

    Introducing the Polymer Designer tool
    efcl 2014/06/03
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