
TDDとfowlerに関するt-wadaのブックマーク (1)

  • bliki: Test Cancer

    As my career has turned into full-time authorship, I often worry about distancing myself from the realities of day-to-day software development. I've seen other well-known figures lose contact with reality, and I fear the same fate. My greatest source of resistance to this is Thoughtworks, which acts as a regular dose of reality to keep my feet on the ground. Thoughtworks also acts as a source of i

    bliki: Test Cancer
    t-wada 2008/01/08
    "we haven't managed to fully teach the client teams about the value of the tests. We need to do more to pass on that failing tests need to be investigated, not simply ignored. But whatever anyone says, we've discovered that cancer of the tests is a common disease"
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