
ブックマーク / classic.yarnpkg.com (12)

  • Recommended security update

    Posted Jul 12, 2019 by Maël Nison We’ve been made aware of a potential attack vector in the way some data are stored in the lockfile. We recommend to upgrade Yarn to the latest 1.17.3 release as soon as you get the chance. We also recommend you to edit your lockfiles to replace any reference to the http: protocol: What happened? The Yarn registry is just a DNS alias to the npm registry. For a few

    Recommended security update
    efcl 2019/07/18
    Yarn 1.17.3リリース。 `*.yarnpkg.com`、`*.npmjs.org`, `*.npmjs.com`のレジストリに対する通信は自動的にhttpsで通信するようにする修正
  • Yarn import now uses package-lock.json

    For Yarn 2+ docs and migration guide, see yarnpkg.com. Posted Jun 4, 2018 by Aram Drevekenin For a while now, the JavaScript ecosystem is a host to a few different dependency lock file formats, including yarn’s yarn.lock and npm’s package-lock.json. We are quite excited to announce that as of 1.7.0 yarn is able to import its dependency tree from npm’s package-lock.json natively, without external t

    Yarn import now uses package-lock.json
    efcl 2018/06/06
    yarn 1.7.0で`package-lock.json`を`yarn.lock`としてimportできるようになった。
  • Ease the Transition to a Monorepo with Focused Workspaces

    efcl 2018/05/24
    `yarn install --focus`で、monorepo内にあるパッケージで外部公開されているものと変更がないものは、そのまま外部公開されているものを利用できる。 通常と異なりrebuildする必要がなくなる。
  • Dependencies Done Right

    Posted Apr 18, 2018 by Maël Nison Let’s say we want to write a React plugin. Since we’ll need to require the react package, we add it to our dependencies like this: Then we run yarn install, everything works, we’re happy, we publish our package to the World Wide Web, and then… Someone tries to install it, and it breaks. Not cool. We start getting reports from users saying that React is present mul

    Dependencies Done Right
    efcl 2018/04/22
    pacakge.jsonの`dependencies`、`devDependencies`、`peerDependencies`の意味や使い分けについて。 バージョンの異なるものが混ざると`instanceof`の問題やファイルサイズが増える問題などについて
  • nohoist in Workspaces

    For Yarn 2+ docs and migration guide, see yarnpkg.com. Posted Feb 15, 2018 by V. Sun As wonderful as yarn workspaces are, the rest of the community hasn’t yet fully caught up with the monorepo hoisting scheme. The introducing of the nohoist is the attempt to provide an easy-to-use mechanism, natively supported by yarn, for enabling workspaces to work with otherwise incompatible libraries. We hope

    nohoist in Workspaces
    efcl 2018/02/21
    yarn workspaceの`nohoist`オプションについての解説
  • Yarn

    For Yarn 2+ docs and migration guide, see yarnpkg.com. Workspaces are a new way to set up your package architecture that’s available by default starting from Yarn 1.0. It allows you to setup multiple packages in such a way that you only need to run yarn install once to install all of them in a single pass. Why would you want to do this? Your dependencies can be linked together, which means that yo

    efcl 2017/09/11
    yarn workspaceのドキュメント
  • https://yarnpkg.com/en/package/linskeswexsd

    efcl 2017/09/08
  • Workspaces in Yarn

    For Yarn 2+ docs and migration guide, see yarnpkg.com. Posted Aug 2, 2017 by Konstantin Raev Projects tend to grow over time, and, occasionally, some pieces of a project can be useful elsewhere in other projects. For example, Jest, being a generic testing tool, gave birth to many packages, one of them is jest-snapshot that is now used in other projects like snapguidist and chai-jest-snapshot. Mono

    Workspaces in Yarn
    efcl 2017/08/04
    lernaのようなmonorepo管理の仕組みであるyarn workspaceについての紹介。 オプションで有効化できる実験的な機能。リポジトリ内の複数のパッケージを管理して、それぞれのパッケージが依存するモジュールはsymlinkで解決できる
  • Let's Dev: A Package Manager

    For Yarn 2+ docs and migration guide, see yarnpkg.com. Posted Jul 11, 2017 by Maël Nison Hello everyone! Today, we’re gonna write a new package manager, even better than Yarn! Ok, maybe not, but at least we’re gonna have some fun, learn how package managers work, and think about what could come next on Yarn. The devil is in the details This article omits small details and environment quirks, and f

    Let's Dev: A Package Manager
    efcl 2017/07/16
    Yarnのようなパッケージ管理ツールを作りながらそのデザインを見ていくチュートリアル。 どのようにパッケージをダウンロードし、依存関係を解決し、リンクをしているかについて。 依存関係をどのように最適化するかに
  • Yarn determinism

    For Yarn 2+ docs and migration guide, see yarnpkg.com. Posted May 31, 2017 by Sebastian McKenzie One of the claims that Yarn makes is that it makes your package management “deterministic”. But what exactly does this mean? This blog post highlights how both Yarn and npm 5 are deterministic, but differ in the exact guarantees they provide and the tradeoffs they have chosen. What is determinism? Dete

    Yarn determinism
    efcl 2017/06/02
  • Yarn Create & Yarn 1.0

    For Yarn 2+ docs and migration guide, see yarnpkg.com. Posted May 12, 2017 by Maël Nison Last year was a great time for Javascript newcomers! A lot of starter-kit projects were published, refined, and some of them eventually went on to offer command line tools dedicated to make project creation easier. One such example is create-react-app, but most frameworks have their own tools, with various fla

    Yarn Create & Yarn 1.0
    efcl 2017/05/15
    `yarn create`が追加された。 yarn 1.0では夏頃リリース。 `lerna`的なmonorepo管理の`yarn workspace`を開発中
  • Running Yarn offline | Yarn

    For Yarn 2+ docs and migration guide, see yarnpkg.com. Posted Nov 24, 2016 by Konstantin Raev Repeatable and reliable builds for large JavaScript projects are vital. If your builds depend on dependencies being downloaded from network, this build system is neither repeatable nor reliable. One of the main advantages of Yarn is that it can install node_modules from files located in file system. We ca

    Running Yarn offline | Yarn
    efcl 2016/11/27
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