
ブックマーク / crank.js.org (1)

  • Crank.js | Introducing Crank

    By Brian Kim – Published April 15, 2020 After months of development, I’m happy to introduce Crank.js, a new framework for creating JSX-driven components with functions, promises and generators. And I know what you’re thinking: oh no, not another web framework. There are already so many of them out there and each carries a non-negligible cost in terms of learning it and building an ecosystem to sur

    efcl 2020/04/27
    なぜReactが非同期でコンポーネントを扱うのにSuspenseという概念を使っているのかについて。 またそれに対するPromiseとGeneratorを使ったアプローチであるCrank.jsを作った話
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