
ブックマーク / remix.run (10)

  • Merging Remix and React Router

    We've been building a bridge. You can hear Ryan talk about this announcement at React Conf 🎥 For nearly 4 years we've been working on Remix, a fullstack framework built on web standards to help you build better websites and applications. React Router has always been Remix's largest dependency after React itself. The two projects are so closely aligned that we updated React Router to include Remix

    Merging Remix and React Router
    efcl 2024/05/16
    RemixはReact Router v7としてリリースする予定という話。 RemixとReact Routerは、Viteとサーバ以外はほぼ同等の機能になってきている。 そのため、React RouterをRemixにマイグレーションするのではなく、React Routerをアップデートするだ
  • Remix Vite is Now Stable

    Today we’re excited to announce that support for Vite is now stable in Remix v2.7.0! After the initial unstable release of Remix Vite, we’ve been hard at work refining and extending it over the past few months with help from all of our early adopters and community contributors. Here’s what we’ve been up to: Closed 75 issues and merged 136 pull requests related to Vite. Migrated the website you’re

    Remix Vite is Now Stable
    efcl 2024/02/21
    Remix 2.7.0リリース。 SPAモードがStableに、`base`オプションのサポート、Remix ViteがCloudflare Pagesをサポート、Server Bundlesのサポート。 クライアントコードとサーバコードを分離する仕組みとして`.server/`をサポート、`vite-env-only`で
  • Remix ❤️ Vite

    Today we’re excited to announce that unstable support for Vite is available in Remix v2.2.0! Now you get all the benefits of Vite’s lightning fast DX ⚡️ out-of-the-box when using Remix. Try it out now! # minimal server npx create-remix@latest --template remix-run/remix/templates/unstable-vite # custom Express server npx create-remix@latest --template remix-run/remix/templates/unstable-vite-express

    Remix ❤️ Vite
    efcl 2023/11/01
    RemixのViteサポートについて。 RemixがViteのプラグインとして導入できるようになり、Viteの開発サーバやビルド、プラグインの仕組みを使って開発できるようになる。 まだCloudflareはサポートしていないが、今後サポート予定
  • Vite (dev branch) | Remix

    efcl 2023/10/14
    RemixのViteサポート。 ViteのプラグインとしてRemixが動作するようになる。
  • React Router-ing Remix

    Earlier this year we started an undertaking to Remix React Router with the aim of bringing all of the Remix Data API's (loaders, actions, fetchers, etc.) over to React Router. With the recent release of React Router v6.4.0 we're proud to report that we've completed that effort...and we think we've made them even better 😃. Not only have we fixed a few edge case bugs, but we've stabilized some APIs

    React Router-ing Remix
    efcl 2022/11/05
    React RouterにRemixのData APIを移動した話。 破壊的な変更なしにどのように処理を移動しているかについて。Feature Flagを使いビルド時に処理を削って互換性を担保しつつ、新しい機能を試せるようにしていることについてなど。
  • React Router 6.4 Release

    After several months of development, the data APIs from Remix have arrived for React Router in v6.4. Feature Overview The web is a wonderful place where highly dynamic shopping experiences, creative productivity software, and super basic but excellent classified ads are all possible on the same platform. While these websites are all wildly different, they all have one thing in common: data coupled

    React Router 6.4 Release
    efcl 2022/09/20
    React Router 6.4リリース。
  • Remixing React Router

    The first versions of React Router actually had an async hook to help with data loading called willTransitionTo. Nobody really knew how the heck to use React at the time and we were no exception. It wasn't great, but it was at least going in the right direction. For better or for worse, we went all in on components for React Router v4 and removed the hook. With willTransitionTo gone, and component

    Remixing React Router
    efcl 2022/03/28
    RemixとReact Routerのリポジトリをマージする方針について。 RemixをReact Routerのリポジトリへマージし、Remixというリポジトリ名に変更する予定について。
  • Remix vs Next.js

    Easily the biggest question we get asked is something like: How is Remix different from Next.js? It appears we have to answer this question! We'd like to address it directly and without drama. If you're a fan of Remix and want to start tweeting smug reactions to this article, we kindly ask that you drop the smugness before hitting the tweet button 🤗. A rising tide lifts all boats. We've been frie

    Remix vs Next.js
    efcl 2022/01/23
    Next.jsのEコマースを例に、RemixとNext.jsを比較した記事。 アーキテクチャの違い、CDN Edgeでの実行、データの更新についての比較など
  • Remix v1

    Today we are happy to release Remix v1 into the world. This release comes after over 20 prereleases and 18 months of development, which included the release of React Router v6 earlier this month. We invite you to check out the source code and star the repo. We'll be talking a lot more about Remix on our livestream today (hit the bell if you want a reminder!) and chatting about it on Discord, so be

    Remix v1
    efcl 2021/11/23
    ReactベースのウェブフレームワークであるRemix v1リリース。 CLI、ルーティング、ライフサイクルメソッド、React Hooksなどを提供する。 クライアントサーバモデルで、サーバが返すデータをフィルターし、最小限のデータにす
  • React Router v6

    Today we are very happy to announce the stable release of React Router v6. This release has been a long time coming. The last time we released a major breaking API change was over four years ago in March 2017 when we released version 4. Some of you probably weren't even born then. Needless to say, a LOT has happened since that time: Downloads of React Router grew by over 60x (6000%) from 340k/mont

    React Router v6
    efcl 2021/11/06
    React Router v6リリース。 React Hooksベースで再実装、`<Route>`のネストの改善、`<Link to>`の値に相対パスの解釈を`<Route path>`を基準にするように変更など
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