
ブックマーク / medium.com/@mproberts (1)

  • A discussion about the breaking of the Internet

    Hey everyone — I’m the head of messenger at Kik. I wish this didn’t have to be my first post on Medium, but open source is something that I care about. I’ve published a few meager open source projects in the past, things that aren’t groundbreaking but that I thought might be useful to other people, and I rely on countless others every day. I found out about this problem like a lot of you, when our

    t-wada 2016/03/24
    今回の騒動の背景を明らかにするため kik 社、azer氏(kikモジュール作者)、Isaac (NPM社CEO) のメールのやりとりが kik 社から公開された
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