
ブックマーク / modern-sql.com (1)

  • What’s New in SQL:2016

    In December 2016, ISO released a new version of the international SQL standard (ISO/IEC 9075:2016). It supersedes the previous version from 2011. This article is a brief overview of the new features being introduced into the SQL language. Strictly speaking, this article covers the additions to part 2 of the standard (SQL/Foundation), i.e. the most commonly used part. This article also shows the av

    What’s New in SQL:2016
    t-wada 2017/07/11
    最新のSQL標準(SQL:2016)のサマリー。行間パターン認識、JSON関数群やListagg関数、外部リソースを動的にテーブルに見せかけるPolymorphic Table Functionなど
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