
ブックマーク / sentry.engineering (1)

  • Improving Node.js loader performance

    Node.js supports 2 different modules. EcmaScript and CommonJS modules. ES modules are the official standard for modules in JavaScript and they are supported by all modern browsers. CommonJS modules are the modules that Node.js uses by default. They are not supported by browsers and they are not the official standard. However, they are still widely used. How does Node.js load the entry point?In ord

    Improving Node.js loader performance
    yosuke_furukawa 2023/12/13
    Node.js JSON parse に simdjson 使ってるの知らんかった。。。そのほうが早いなら v8 も採用検討してみてもいいのでは。C++で処理を増やしたりといろいろ他にも高速化を実施した結果5%ロード時間が早くなったらしい。
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