
ブックマーク / gent.ilcore.com (5)

  • A better timer for JavaScript

    Browser performance guru, Nat Duca, has introduced high resolution timing to JavaScript. Ready to try in Chrome 20, the experimental window.performance.webkitNow() interface provides microsecond resolution and guarantees not to flow backward (monotonically nondecreasing). Microseconds matter Until now, creating a new Date object and querying its time was the only way to measure elapsed time on the

    A better timer for JavaScript
    efcl 2012/06/14
    performance.timing.navigationStartから経過時間を取得するperformance.now について。Date.now()より高精度に時間をとれる。今のところFirefox 15、Chrome20(prefix)に実装されてる
  • How (not) to trigger a layout in WebKit

    As most web developers are aware, a significant amount of a script's running time may be spent performing DOM operations triggered by the script rather than executing the JS byte code itself. One such potentially costly operation is layout (aka reflow) -- the process of constructing a render tree from a DOM tree. The larger and more complex the DOM, the more expensive this operation may be. An imp

    efcl 2012/05/04
  • Finding memory leaks

    Over lunch last week Mikhail Naganov (creator of the DevTools Heap Profiler) and I were discussing how invaluable it has been to have the same insight into JavaScript memory usage that we have into applications written in languages like C++ or Java. But the heap profiler doesn't seem to get as much attention from developers as I think it deserves. There could be two explanations: either leaking me

    efcl 2011/08/09
    ChromeのTask Manager等を使ってHead memoryのメモリリークを探す
  • List of ways HTML can download a resource

    Recently two different projects required compiling a list of ways to trigger a download through HTML: Resource Timing and Preload Scanner optimization. There's no centralized list in the WebKit source nor did a web search turn one up. So in hopes it may be useful to others, here's what I was able to come up with. Please let me know what I forgot (note that ways to download through CSS, JS, SVG and

    efcl 2011/05/17
  • Chrome's 10 Caches

    While defining the set of page load time metrics that we think are most important for benchmarking, Mike Belshe, James Simonsen and I went through a seemingly simple exercise: enumerate the ways in which Chrome caches data. The resulting list was interesting enough to me that I thought it worthwhile to share. When most people think of "the browser's cache" they envision a single map of HTTP reques

    efcl 2011/02/11
    Chromeに入ってる10個のキャッシュ機能をそれぞれ解説。 本当に正確なベンチマークを取るときにどの部分がキャッシュされているのかを知っておく必要がある。
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