
ブックマーク / nuxt.com (7)

  • Nuxt 3.11 · Nuxt Blog

    This is possibly the last minor release before Nuxt v4, and so we've packed it full of features and improvements we hope will delight you! ✨ 🪵 Better loggingWhen developing a Nuxt application and using console.log in your application, you may have noticed that these logs are not displayed in your browser console when refreshing the page (during server-side rendering). This can be frustrating, as

    Nuxt 3.11 · Nuxt Blog
    efcl 2024/03/17
    Nuxt v3.11リリース。 ログ表示の改善、`usePreviewMode`の追加、`appMiddleware`の追加。 サーバ専用の`.server.vue`とクライアント専用の`.client.vue`をサポートなど
  • Nuxt 3.7 · Nuxt Blog

    Nuxt 3.7 is out, bringing a new CLI, native web streams and response, rendering optimisations, async context support - and much more. 🐣 A New CLIWe've refactored nuxi using unjs/citty and this marks the first Nuxt release that depends on the new version, safely in its own repository. We have grand plans for this - check out some of the features + roadmap discussions in nuxt/cli and please feel fr

    Nuxt 3.7 · Nuxt Blog
    efcl 2023/08/26
    Nuxt v3.7リリース。 Web Streamと`Response`のサポート、capo.jsを使った`<head>`内の要素の最適化をサポート、Vite 4.4へのアップデート、Nitro 2.6へのアップデート。 `tsconfig.json`の`baseUrl`ではなく相対パスを使うように変更、AsyncLocalStora
  • Nuxt 3.5 · Nuxt Blog

    Nuxt 3.5.0 is out, bringing Vue 3.3, new defaults, interactive server components, typed pages, environment config - and much more. ⚡️ Vue 3.3 releasedVue 3.3 has been released, with lots of exciting features, particularly around type support. new defineOptions macro'generic' componentstyped slots and using external types in defineProps... and moreThis also brings a significant improvement to data

    Nuxt 3.5 · Nuxt Blog
    efcl 2023/05/17
    Nuxt 3.5リリース。 Vue 3.3へアップデート、Nitropack 2.4にアップデート、JSONペイロードのシリアライズの改善。 `nuxt.config`ファイルで環境ごとの設定を書けるように、実験的にルーティングから型定義を生成する仕組みを追加な
  • Introducing Nuxt DevTools · Nuxt Blog

    Unleash the Developer Experience with Nuxt and understand your app better than ever. We announced the preview of Nuxt DevTools on Vue Amsterdam 2023, a new tool to help you understand your Nuxt app and improve the developer experience even further. Today we released a new minor version v0.3.0 with a bunch of updates and improvements. In this post, we will explore the reasons behind the creation of

    Introducing Nuxt DevTools · Nuxt Blog
    efcl 2023/03/29
    Nuxt DevToolsの紹介。 Nuxtのページ、コンポーネント、自動インポート、Modules、Assets、Plugins、Hooks、設定、ステートなどのデバッグができるツール
  • Announcing 3.0 · Nuxt Blog

    Announcing Nuxt 3.0 stableWe are thrilled to announce the first stable version of Nuxt 3.0.0 ✨ Nuxt 3 is a modern rewrite of the Nuxt framework based on Vite, Vue3, and Nitro with first-class TypeScript support and the result of more than two years of research, community feedback, innovation, and experiment to make a pleasant full-stack Developer Experience for Vue development to everyone. [Read M

    Announcing 3.0 · Nuxt Blog
    efcl 2022/11/17
    Nuxt 3リリース。 Vue 3、TypeScript、Viteのサポート、webpack 5のサポート、サーバーエンジンのNitroとポータブルな出力の対応など。 またIEのサポートを終了、Node.js 12のサポートを終了など
  • Announcing Nuxt 3 Release Candidate · Nuxt Blog

    A new foundationOn top of supporting Vue 3 or Vite, Nuxt 3 contains a new server engine, unlocking new full-stack capabilities to Nuxt server and beyond. It's the first JavaScript application server that is portable across a variety of modern cloud hosting providers. In production, it builds your Vue application and server into one universal .output directory. This output is light: minified and wi

    Announcing Nuxt 3 Release Candidate · Nuxt Blog
    efcl 2022/04/24
    Nuxt 3 RCリリース。 Vue 3、TypeScript、Viteのサポート。 サーバーエンジンのNitroとポータブルな出力の対応など
  • Introducing Nuxt 3 Beta · Nuxt Blog

    We are excited to open source Nuxt 3 after more than a year of intense development. The repository is available on GitHub on nuxt/nuxt under the MIT license. A new foundationOn top of supporting Vue 3 or Vite, Nuxt 3 contains a new server engine, unlocking new full-stack capabilities to Nuxt server and beyond. It's the first JavaScript application server that is portable across a variety of modern

    Introducing Nuxt 3 Beta · Nuxt Blog
    efcl 2021/10/18
    Nuxt 3 betaリリース。 Vue 3とViteへの対応。 新しいサーバエンジンのNitro Engineを導入することで、通常のNode.jsサーバ、Serverless、Service Workerなど様々な形でデプロイできるようになっている。
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