
ブックマーク / github.com/pugjs (1)

  • Renaming jade -> pug · Issue #2184 · pugjs/pug

    Unfortunately, these people have a trademark for the word "jade" referring to software, so we've been forced to change our name. Fortunately, @davidglivar has kindly donated the name "pug" to us. I've claimed pug and pugjs everywhere I could think of so hopefully we shouldn't have any problems getting the name. Action items create a new logo (@GarthDB) design new branding for the website (@GarthDB

    Renaming jade -> pug · Issue #2184 · pugjs/pug
    t-wada 2016/03/24
    ソフトウェア名が既存企業の商標と衝突していたためソフトウェア側が改名を余儀なくされる事案、最近どこかで見たと思ったがjadeだった。pugに改名され、作業が完了したらpug 2.0.0としてリリース予定
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