
ブックマーク / testing.googleblog.com (2)

  • How Much Testing is Enough?

    I think it's worth underlining that coverage mainly tells you about code that has no tests: it doesn't tell you about the quality of testing for the code that's 'covered', especially if it's only line-coverage - branch/condition coverage is more informative there. ReplyDelete

    How Much Testing is Enough?
    t-wada 2021/06/18
    1.プロセスと戦略を明文化 2.テストピラミッド構築(a.強固なユニットテスト基盤 b.結合テストをけちらない c.重要なカスタマージャーニーにE2Eテスト) 3.その他のテストに気を配る 4.カバレッジで現状把握 5.改善を回す
  • Test Sizes

    Small tests should be isolated from each other, but this constraint gets in a way of medium and large tests (especially for web testing). Take a look at what users are doing with Selenium + TestNG. Also, dependencies and high parallelism are not mutually exclusive, it's unfortunate that this rumor is still around. Here is why: http://beust.com/weblog/2009/11/28/hard-core-multicore-with-testng/ Rep

    Test Sizes
    t-wada 2016/08/15
    クックパッドの取り組みのもとになった Google の試み
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