
ブックマーク / www.nuclearelephant.com (1)

  • DSPAM Project Homepage

    Dspam - Community Driven Antispam Filter DSPAM is a scalable and open-source content-based spam filter designed for multi-user enterprise systems. On a properly configured system, many users experience results between 99.5% - 99.95%, or one error for every 200 to 2000 messages. DSPAM supports many different MTAs and can also be deployed as a stand-alone SMTP appliance. For developers, the DSPAM co

    stealthinu 2010/07/28
    DSPAM 元々商用だったものがオープンソースになってるらしい。手法はマルコフ解析によるコンテンツフィルタ。だがどうやってるのかはよくわからん。ソースにmarkov.txtってのがあるからそこに説明がありそう。
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