
ブックマーク / go-to-hellman.blogspot.com (1)

  • Libraries Creating Connections

    "Libraries should stop focusing on their collections and start focusing on their communities" is something I've said before. Today, I learned that I may need to revise that. Two presentations today at Code4Lib 2011 showed how a library might do both at the same time. Nell Taylor and Margaret Heller talked about the Chicago Underground Library, a grass-roots special collection that focuses on a spe

    Libraries Creating Connections
    waterperiod 2011/02/10
    Project Shizuku、そして「耳すま」の分かりやすい解説「貸出カードにいつも同じ人の名前が→結婚しよう!」がついにアメリカ進出!
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