
ブックマーク / www.makikoitoh.com (1)

  • Satoshi Kon's last words | Makiko Itoh : Not a nameless cat.

    Satoshi Kon, the director of anime movies Perfect Blue, Tokyo Godfathers, Millenium Actress and Paprika, as well as the TV series Paranoia Agent, died on Tuesday, August 24th, 2010 at the age of 46. (NY Times obituary.) He left behind a rambling but extraordinary document, which his family has posthumously posted on his blog. They're the last words of a supremely talented artist who knows he is dy

    guldeen 2010/08/27
    今 敏氏の記した"遺書"を英訳。※欄に「英訳文を読んでますが、涙が止まりません」との感想。名作・名文は国境を越える。そして合掌▼追記・この英訳から、独仏露伊西・ヘブライ語の重訳が! スゲー。
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