
performanceとlvsに関するy_uukiのブックマーク (5)

  • Performance Evaluation of Linux Virtual Server

    Patrick O'Rourke and Mike Keefe - Mission Critical Linux, Inc. Abstract Linux Virtual Server (LVS) is an open source technology which can be used to construct a scalable and highly available server using a collection of real servers. LVS load balances a variety of network services among multiple machines by manipulating packets as they are processed by the Linux TCP/IP stack. One of the most commo

    Performance Evaluation of Linux Virtual Server
  • Performance and Tuning - LVSKB

    Performance Measurement Tools testlvs: simple throughput testing tool for LVS from Julian, see the testlvs page ab: apache benchmark httperf: a tool for measuring web server performance from HP, see the httperf homepage Tsung: an open-source multi-protocol distributed load testing tool, see Tsung project homepage specweb: web server benchmark by spec.org, it is now specweb2005. webbench: a license

  • 32. LVS: Performance and Kernel Tuning

    We are now (2006) in an era where the CPU is no longer rate determining in an LVS director. Ratz 20 Feb 2006 The processor never is an issue regarding LVS unless your NIC is so badly designed that the CPU would need to take over the packet processing ;) (a non-LVS article on Configuring large scale unix clusters by Dan Kegel.) The article performance data for a single realserver LVS, shows how to

  • 结缕草-

    结缕草介绍: 同时,我们扩大阅读界面,使得大屏幕的电脑有更宽广的可视空间,方便大家接收更多的信息。 各位亲爱的读者盆友们,网易新闻首页新版于7月1日上线。 所以我们就出了一些问题让你们回答网易新闻频道首页改版意见反馈您对新版新闻频道的整体感觉如何?(单选)非常满意比较满意一般满意不太满意,喜欢旧版您对新版满意的地方是?(多选)页面布局简洁清晰内容分布合理,易找网易原创更有态度能够沉浸阅读信息流内容丰富无所谓您对新版不满意的地方是?(多选)内容混乱找不到东西信息流过长,耽误时间更新不及时原来的栏目找不到了,比如________广告太多加载太慢无所谓改版后您常看的地方是?(多选)原创栏目头条信息流,可以慢慢浏览右侧的其他频道补充内容图片H5策划我都不知道该看哪对于新闻您的要求是?(多选)内容更新及时内容丰富多元希望看到原创态度想看多图就是随便看看其他查看结果起止时间:2016-06-02至20

  • 美女直播间围观视频-

    美女直播间围观视频介绍: “这倒没有……”王晓峰摇头。 “徐老允许我在这里说?” “五枚……两亿?”盔甲青年眼睛一下瞪圆:“你卖的是六品丹药?怎么不去抢呢?”“我们能够修炼……而且,进步很快……” 美女直播间围观视频评测: “是福不是祸,是祸躲不过……” “沈哲……岂不很危险!”“一、一万两?”差点没拿住手中的纸,鱼老一声叹息“少爷这是被人骗了!” “是啊,剧烈的爆炸,可以让空中凝固的元素粒子,分散开来,变得活跃,不过,这种活跃度,不会持续多久,最多一个时辰,就会重新凝聚!” “这……”眉毛一跳,沈从心差点没晕过去。 “萧九儿……那是我的位置,有点……有点味,要不,我跟你换过来……”“已经开始了……”钟玉楼摆了摆手。“我准备好了材料,只求徐宗师出手,炼制出兵器,愿意支付巨额酬劳!” “沈家家主可在?这就是你们的待客之道?如果真是如此,在下就告辞了……” 美女直播间围观视频总结: “云霄寸拳

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