
MITとbrowserに関するsuzukiMYのブックマーク (1)

  • Ejecta - Impact

    A Fast, Open Source JavaScript, Canvas & Audio Implementation for iOS & tvOS e·jec·ta, noun – debris that is ejected during the formation of an impact crater Ejecta is like a Browser without the Browser. It's specially crafted for Games and Animations. It has no DIVs, no Tables, no Forms – only Canvas and Audio elements. This focus makes it fast. JavaScript code is executed directly by a JavaScrip

    suzukiMY 2012/10/09
    [Objective-C[javascript][development][game][framework][open source]ゲームとアニメーションに特化。CanvasとAutdioだけで構成。JSは素のJSとして実行。タッチ/加速度センサー/ローカルストレージも利用可能。
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