
ブックマーク / www.nature.com (1)

  • Bad press - Nature

    It is a shame that Shinya Yamanaka’s recent Nobel prize had to be tainted by the shenanigans of Hisashi Moriguchi, the University of Tokyo project scientist who fabricated a story about having used Yamanaka’s fêted technology on induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells to treat patients who had heart failure. The poor quality of journalism that led to the story being so widely reported was not an isol

    naga_sawa 2012/11/01
    読売新聞名指しでばっさり/ほんと、世界に恥さらしちゃったんだなと痛感する/これを「Nature誌, 日本の報道体制に疑問を呈す」みたく記事にしたら少し見直す
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