
北朝鮮と3Dと核に関するEreniのブックマーク (1)

  • North Korea’s Nuclear Year In Review—And What’s Next

    Jeffrey Lewis Director of the East Asia Nonproliferation Program, The James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies In 2016, North Korea’s nuclear weapons program shifted in an important way, from developing a nuclear capability in the abstract to deploying a nuclear-armed force of ballistic missiles. North Korea conducted an unprecedented number of missile tests and conducted two nuclear explo

    North Korea’s Nuclear Year In Review—And What’s Next
    Ereni 2017/03/24
    12.20What amazed us was how perfectlyNorthKorea’s test complex appears to match with openly available descriptions ofU.S.nuclear test tunnels.The tunnel layout,based on the bearing of entrance&the location of the explosions,almost perfectly matches the P-tunnel atthe Nevada National Security Site
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