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FaaSと内容がないに関するvanbraamのブックマーク (1)

  • Serverless is dead.

    Long live Serverless! Since the launch of AWS Lambda in 2014 the industry has battled around what the word “serverless” has meant. I say, in 2019 who cares? In this talk we’ll cut past the hype and talk about the realities of what this technology space means, how it’s changing how companies build and operate technology, and how you can properly understand the value it brings to the table.

    Serverless is dead.
    vanbraam 2019/03/06
    Serverlessという言葉が人口に膾炙しすぎて意味が変質したし,AWSにもLambda以外にAPI Gateway等が加わったから,"Serverless"を使わない様にする,という自慢話だった;元々目指してたのはprogramが動作する場所に依存しないcomputing?
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