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webとlicenseに関するbraitomのブックマーク (1)

  • Qeys | No hassle web app and theme licensing

    No hassle web app licensing The instant solution to worrying less about your work being copied by the clients you developed them for. Get started Learn more You are an honest, very skilled web developer, delivering awesome web apps to your clients all over the world. Even though most of these apps run on a server only you or your team have access to, there is the occasional client which wants your

    Qeys | No hassle web app and theme licensing
    braitom 2018/06/10
    Webアプリに固有のライセンスキーを生成してアプリケーションのコピーを防止できるサービス。meta tagとJSファイルの追加をするだけで利用可能。
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