
関連タグで絞り込む (1)


codeとgitに関するbraitomのブックマーク (2)

  • Takehome - Better Technical Interviews

    Code belongs in git. Not on a whiteboard. Show candidates you value their time. Get better results. RESPECT YOUR CANDIDATES Strictly timeboxed tasks level the playing field. Place less pressure on candidates and improve diversity. HIRE FOR SKILL Test people with the tools they're familiar with, in an environment they're comfortable in. Challenges Choose from our challenge library or build your own

    braitom 2018/02/13
  • OneDev: Self-hosted Git Server with CI/CD and Kanban

    OneDev is by far the best tool I’ve used in my career as a software engineer It allows my team and me to easily keep track of tasks and code, create in-depth reusable pipelines for our CI/CD, enforce (optional) role-based branch protection, provide highly-detailed code reviews for pull requests. And that’s just to name a few things. Huge thanks for creating something so awesome! Joshua Norman, Has

    braitom 2016/11/26
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