
OpenAIに関するbraitomのブックマーク (2)

  • MuseNet

    We’ve created MuseNet, a deep neural network that can generate 4-minute musical compositions with 10 different instruments, and can combine styles from country to Mozart to the Beatles. MuseNet was not explicitly programmed with our understanding of music, but instead discovered patterns of harmony, rhythm, and style by learning to predict the next token in hundreds of thousands of MIDI files. Mus

    braitom 2019/04/29
    これすごいな。“We’ve created MuseNet, a deep neural network that can generate 4-minute musical compositions with 10 different instruments, and can combine styles from country to Mozart to the Beatles”
  • Learning dexterity

    Dactyl is a system for manipulating objects using a Shadow Dexterous Hand. We place an object such as a block or a prism in the palm of the hand and ask Dactyl to reposition it into a different orientation; for example, rotating the block to put a new face on top. The network observes only the coordinates of the fingertips and the images from three regular RGB cameras. Although the first humanoid

    Learning dexterity
    braitom 2018/08/04
    これすごいな。“We’ve trained a human-like robot hand to manipulate physical objects with unprecedented dexterity”
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