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USAとWikipediaとdietに関するcinefukのブックマーク (1)

  • Body positivity - Wikipedia

    The sculpture of two women in bronze, Jag tänker på mig själv - Växjö ( 'I am thinking of myself - Växjö') by Marianne Lindberg De Geer, 2005, outside of the art museum of Växjö, Sweden.[1][2] It depicts one thin woman and one fat woman and demonstrates society's infatuation with outward appearances. The sculpture has been a source of controversy in town, with both statues being vandalized and rep

    Body positivity - Wikipedia
    cinefuk 2018/11/12
    なるほど。摂食障害は、日本でも身近な問題。「 fat acceptance movement 」
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