
ブックマーク / www.kb.cert.org (1)

  • CERT/CC Vulnerability Note VU#723755

    Vulnerability Note VU#723755 Original Release Date: 2011-12-27 | Last Revised: 2012-05-10 The WiFi Protected Setup (WPS) PIN is susceptible to a brute force attack. A design flaw that exists in the WPS specification for the PIN authentication significantly reduces the time required to brute force the entire PIN because it allows an attacker to know when the first half of the 8 digit PIN is correct

    wisboot 2012/01/11
    無線LANのWPS PIN入力方式は、実は仕様的欠陥で11000通りしかパターンが無いから、BFAで突破できるとのこと/むーん、マジですか。これじゃいくら暗号化方式を強化しても意味ないジャン。orz
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